石仏 - Stone buddha -
- 真壁石・蛭川石 手彫り地蔵 Hand-carved Jizo statues made from Makabe and Hirugawa stones
- ISHIMOオリジナル地蔵 ISHIMO Original Jizo
- 来待石 手彫り地蔵 Hand-carved Jizo statues made from Kimachi Stone
- 花沢石 手彫り地蔵 Hand-carved Jizo statues made from Hanazawa stone
- 八女石・下浦石 手彫り地蔵 Hand-carved Jizo statues made from Yame and Shimoura stones
- 観音菩薩 Goddess of Mercy
We have a selection of stone Buddha statues and sculptures hand-carved by artisans, including Jizo, Kannon, lanterns, and stone lanterns. From small sizes that are easy to incorporate into your interior design, to full-scale stone sculptures that are perfect for Japanese gardens. We also offer custom-made products.
90,000円(税込99,000円)さまざまなご利益のある千手観音様。The Thousand-Armed Kannon is said to grant various benefits.
90,000円(税込99,000円)智慧や慈悲の象徴である、大日如来。Dainichi Nyorai is a symbol of wisdom and compassion.
35,000円(税込38,500円)島根の石工による手彫りのお地蔵さま。A Jizo statue hand-carved by a craftsman from Shimane.
35,000円(税込38,500円)島根の石工による手彫りのお地蔵さま。A Jizo statue hand-carved by a craftsman from Shimane.
35,000円(税込38,500円)島根の石工による手彫りのお地蔵さま。A Jizo statue hand-carved by a craftsman from Shimane.
40,000円(税込44,000円)力強さと穏やかさを兼ね備えた、希少な黒色のお地蔵さま。A rare black Jizo statue that combines strength and calmness.
40,000円(税込44,000円)力強さと穏やかさを兼ね備えた、希少な黒色のお地蔵さま。A rare black Jizo statue that combines strength and calmness.
40,000円(税込44,000円)力強さと穏やかさを兼ね備えた、希少な黒色のお地蔵さま。A rare black Jizo statue that combines strength and calmness.
SPECIAL ORDER力強さと穏やかさを兼ね備えた、希少な黒色のお地蔵さま。A rare black Jizo statue that combines strength and calmness.
SPECIAL ORDER力強さと穏やかさを兼ね備えた、希少な黒色のお地蔵さま。A rare black Jizo statue that combines strength and calmness.
35,000円(税込38,500円)力強さと穏やかさを兼ね備えた、希少な黒色のお地蔵さま。A rare black Jizo statue that combines strength and calmness.
SPECIAL ORDER柔らかい石の質感と、手彫りならではのぬくもりを感じる石仏。This stone Buddha statue has a soft stone texture and the warmth that can only be achieved through hand carving.