The Beloved Datekanmuri Stone [Exploring the Charm of Stone]

ISHIMO’s mission is to convey Japan’s stone culture to people and connect it to the future. In our series, exploring the charm of stones, we introduce various domestic stones handled by ISHIMO. Through stone, take the opportunity to explore Japan’s environment and culture and rediscover its beauty.

On today`s blog, we will be excavating Datekanmuri stone, uncovering its characteristics and colorful allure.

“The Beloved Datekanmuri Stone [Exploring the Charm of Stone]” の続きを読む



“多くの芸術家に愛される「伊達冠石」【石の魅力に迫る】” の続きを読む

Volcanic Yame Stone [Exploring the Charm of Stone]

ISHIMO’s mission is to convey Japan’s stone culture to people and connect it to the future. In our series, exploring the charm of stones, we introduce various domestic stones handled by ISHIMO. Through stone, take the opportunity to explore Japan’s environment and culture and rediscover its beauty.

On today`s blog, we will be excavating Yame stone, uncovering its characteristics and volcanic touch.

“Volcanic Yame Stone [Exploring the Charm of Stone]” の続きを読む



“黒くやわらかな石肌の「八女石」【石の魅力に迫る】” の続きを読む

The Historical Hanazawa Stone [Exploring the Charm of Stone]

ISHIMO’s mission is to convey Japan’s stone culture to people and connect it to the future. In our series, exploring the charm of stones, we introduce various domestic stones handled by ISHIMO. Through stone, take the opportunity to explore Japan’s environment and culture and rediscover its beauty.

On today’s blog, we will be excavating the Hanazawa stone, uncovering its characteristics and ancient beauty.

“The Historical Hanazawa Stone [Exploring the Charm of Stone]” の続きを読む



“細かな彫刻に適した「花沢石」【石の魅力に迫る】” の続きを読む

Timeless Tatsuyama Stone [Exploring the Charm of Stone]

ISHIMO’s mission is to convey Japan’s stone culture to people and connect it to the future. In our series, exploring the charm of stones, we introduce various domestic stones handled by ISHIMO. Through stone, take the opportunity to explore Japan’s environment and culture and rediscover its beauty.

On today`s blog, we will be excavating Tatsuyama stone, uncovering its characteristics and timelessness.

“Timeless Tatsuyama Stone [Exploring the Charm of Stone]” の続きを読む



“柔らかな淡い色味の「竜山石」【石の魅力に迫る】” の続きを読む

The Sophisticated Beauty and Durability of Aji Stone [Exploring the Charm of Stone]

ISHIMO’s mission is to convey Japan’s stone culture to people and connect it to the future. In our series, exploring the charm of stones, we introduce various domestic stones handled by ISHIMO. Through stone, take the opportunity to explore Japan’s environment and culture and rediscover its beauty.

On today’s blog, we will be excavating Aji Stone, uncovering its characteristics and attractiveness!

“The Sophisticated Beauty and Durability of Aji Stone [Exploring the Charm of Stone]” の続きを読む



“洗練された美しさと耐久性を持つ「庵治石」【石の魅力に迫る】” の続きを読む